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Synchronised or precision skating as it used to be known, is the figure skating version of a team sport. A team is made up of a dozen or so like minded individual skating in formation. If you have seen a sky diving team  performing aerial ballet after jumping out of a plane then you have the concept. 

The name of the discipline has been changed from precision to synchronised in recent times, so you  often hear both terms. Not to be confused with that riveting(?) spectator sport synchronized swimming!

If you have rudimentary skating skills, don’t see yourself as jumping and spinning just yet, this is an ideal place to develop your talents. The intricacies of dancing or the athleticism of freeskating are not required, but it develops the control and discipline that are a prerequisite should you desire to progress into either of these areas. It is quite common for a skater to be in a synchronized team at the same time as pursuing glory as an individual.

Our top synchronised team is called Silver Torque.

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Centaurus Ice Skating Club Incorporated, P.O. Box 30041 Christchurch New Zealand